• Breaking News

    Friday 10 March 2017

    We apologise for poor power supply, but govt should act –Oduntan


    –Oduntan, Executive Director, Association of National Electricity Distributors

    Executive Director, Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors, Sunday Oduntan, tells OLUFEMI ATOYEBI and OKECHUKWU NNODIM that metering of customers and epileptic power problems in Nigeria are beyond what distribution companies can handle alone

    The issue of metering of distribution companies’ customers has generated a lot of controversies with many alleging that after paying the fee for prepaid meters, they have yet to be supplied the item. Is it ANED’s plan to continue to exploit customers and subject them to the pain of the ‘crazy billing’?

    We need to look at institution in a realistic way and I will begin by taking you back to the moment of privatisation. These entities were privatised on November 1, 2013. Prior to this date, there had been a long period of rot in the system. There had been a wide metering gap. For more than 33 years, the then National Electric Power Authority and later Power Holding Company of Nigeria were not metering their customers well.

    Normally, when you build a new house, you must contact the relevant authorities to connect you to the national grid. They will come with a service wire and a meter, either postpaid or prepaid. What happened then was that people called roadside electricians to connect to the national grid. Because of this, we had a situation where NEPA and PHCN did not know the number of customers they had.

    That trend created a minimum of five million metering gap. This means that as of November 1, 2013, more than five million houses had no meters and they enjoyed electricity. With that scenario, we came on board. What we are trying to do is to try as much as possible to bridge that gap.

    As of the end of December 2016, about three and a half million customers had not had meters nationwide. When you talk about customers nationwide, it is a bit disturbing to know that the record shows no more than eight million customers throughout the country. Not all houses are today connected to the national grid, however.

    Ibadan alone should have up to one million customers. A house of six flats with four shops ought to have 10 customers because each of the apartments and shops should have separate accounts. In reality, we should have more customers than what the record says. It is interesting to know that the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, which covers Oyo, Ogun, Osun and Kwara states and part of Kogi and Niger states, has a record of around 1.3m customers in that large network of coverage.

    Between Ogun, Oyo and Osun states, we should be talking of more than three million customers. But what you find is a block of four flats using only one account. That is not acceptable and that is why the distribution companies have now embarked on massive customer enumeration. As we speak, Benin Electricity Distribution Company is conducting the exercise in Edo, Delta, Ondo and Ekiti states.

    At the end of the exercise, we will be able to capture new customers and increase revenue for the DISCOs. What we have now is like a country without accurate census. How will the government plan for the citizens?

    Let me now link all these to the issue of metering which is the main question. I have said that every product comes with a cost. You cannot sell a product below the cost price and expect the business to survive. We have tariff set by Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission and not the distribution companies.

    There are calls by some Nigerians, including experts, for the withdrawal of the licences of power firms on the grounds that the privatisation process has failed to yield any tangible benefit. What will you say about this?

    Talking about experts, Nigeria has so many experts, but we respect them. Those who are calling for the withdrawal of the licences have a right to freedom of speech as guaranteed in Nigeria’s Constitution. And I’m sure that the people they are telling this, perhaps those in the Federal Government, know better. They know what is involved and what the challenges are. If anybody asks us to surrender the licences tomorrow, give us our money and we will go. We will give you your licences and let us see who is going to run it better.

    Nigerians say the collective performance of the electricity distribution companies so far, is not better than that of the defunct National Electric Power Authority or Power Holding Company of Nigeria. Are they right or wrong?

    With due respect and with all sense of responsibility and without being immodest, I will say that anybody who is saying that the days of NEPA and PHCN were better than what we have now is either one of such people who love corruption or benefitted from it and found it easy to bypass their meters without being caught. Because in the days of PHCN, you could bypass meters, bribe somebody and not get punished. So if people are looking at it from that angle, they are entitled to their opinions. But if we are going to be realistic and objective and measure it vis-a-vis the level of generation at that time when there was no bombing in the Niger Delta region, which are issues affecting our operations these days, then they wouldn’t make such comments. For us as DISCOs, we are not in the business of blaming others. Instead of blaming others, what we should be asking ourselves are questions like: what are the issues? How can we solve the problem? What is it that we all need to do as stakeholders and as customers? And in this case, I can say clearly here that the situation today, despite the fact that we have a lot of challenges, is better off under privatisation than when it was a national corporation. Talking about performance generally, I agree that we need to do more, but people need to understand the condition under which we operate.

    The present tariff was fixed in December 2015 and became effective on February 4, 2016. It has an average of N25 per kilowatt for residential customers. It however varies from one DISCO to another. The cost of doing business in Lagos State is different from that of Bayelsa State. When the price was fixed, the exchange rate was N197 to one dollar. By June 2016, naira was N294 to a dollar and by December, it reached N305 to a dollar and today, the exchange rate is more than N500 to a dollar.

    Foreign exchange is important to what happens in the industry because 90 per cent of all the components of electricity production and distribution in Nigeria are based on imported materials. Most of the cables and transfers are imported from abroad and purchased with foreign exchange based on present exchange rate.

    Gas is supplied in dollars. The companies pay naira equivalent of dollar’s current exchange rate. But the amount of tariff, set by NERC is fixed at lower cost of production and distribution of electricity. The cost of production in the past one year has gone up. What this means is that DISCOs buy electricity at the rate of N68 and are only allowed to sell at around N25. There is a big shortfall and someone needs to pay for it.

    The fact that no one has paid for it makes it impossible for the companies to provide meters for their customers or replace cables and transformers when they are faulty in a community. These are capital expenditures but the system is bleeding.

    For those who have paid and are yet to be supplied prepaid meters, we assure them that something is being done about it. The basic thing, as I have said, is that the system is bleeding but that is not an excuse not to supply meters to those who have paid. The DISCOs are in huge debt and because of that, no bank will give them loan to work with.

    So what is the fate of customers who continue to get ‘crazy bills’ every month but don’t have any fault in all you said?

    Let us assume that we have eight million customers with around three million of the figure not having meters. That means we have to use estimated billing. But you wonder how such thing is done. This task is done by using the parameters given to the DISCOs by the regulating agency- NERC.

    You don’t just sit down in a corner and compute figures. There is a formula given that must be strictly followed because this is a heavily regulated industry and whoever refuses to follow the regulation will be sanctioned by the regulator. This has happened in the past as a result of customers’ complaints.

    However, because the system is called estimated billing, there could be some margin of inaccuracy. This is why people call it crazy billing. We have also had cases of under-billing too. I have seen this in Zaria and Benin recently where customers received far lesser bills compared to the energy they consumed.

    For those who get crazy bills, there is a mechanism to solving the problem or correcting the error. If you are given a bill and you think it is more than the amount of energy you have consumed, go and pay the equivalent of your undisputed last bill. If your bill was N5,000 in December and you were given N8,000 as bill in January and you dispute the January bill, all you have to do is to go and pay the undisputed amount that you paid in December, which is N5,000. You will then write a letter to complain to the distribution company in your area and it will be addressed.

    However, what we usually have are customers who dispute a bill even when they have not paid several undisputed bills. All distribution companies know the amount of electricity that goes into a neighbourhood, so they can easily calculate how much is used by a house.

    We want to meter our customers so that we can calculate what they use but supplying meters is not an easy thing. It is not a cheap enterprise. But you cannot take metering out of this business and expect to succeed.

    How long are customers going to wait before they have prepaid meters in their homes?

    That will be when customers start paying and paying faithfully, when they stop stealing energy and when they stop bypassing meters. So if I stand in the town hall setting, I’ll say thank you to those few customers who are honest, have integrity and pay their bills uprightly, because majority are fraudulent. That is the truth.

    Your response now is another reason why people are not happy with the DISCOs. Why must you wait for customers to pay before you provide them with meters?

    So if I send energy to your neighbourhood, I should not wait for you to pay? Are you saying I should bring another quantum of energy the next month without getting payment for the one you’ve already consumed? People complain about meters but metering is only one of the major capital projects that is waiting to be fully attended to by the DISCOs. However, we have not done that because we have a huge shortfall in the system. Shortfall means revenue that is meant to accrue to the industry that is not there due to so many reasons that are not our fault. Unless we address the issue of shortfall, there is no money to buy meters. Lenders are not willing to give us loans because the ones they lent to us in the past have been exhausted and not been repaid due to the shortfall in revenue. So if what you borrowed has not been sorted out, how can you get another one? And from where do you think you will get it? However, metering is going on but the truth is that the pace is not as fast as we expected. And I admit and agree to that.

    Many Nigerians are saying that DISCOs have failed woefully in providing meters to customers and should be queried for what they described as corruption.

    All DISCOs are trying when it comes to metering. People should not be taking metering out of the basket as if it is an isolated issue. They should look at it as part of the issues. Metering is good for the DISCOs. It is good for our customers and we want to meter all of them. If we meter you, we will be able to measure what you use. That is a fact and it is in our interest to meter all our customers. However, it is totally impossible, very impractical to expect that we can meter five million customers in three years. That is not possible. There’s no technology or logistics to deploy in order to make that happen. What I will agree with is that if not because of the huge liquidity crisis, the metering should be faster than it is now. It is not as fast as it should be because of the obvious problem that I’ve explained earlier, for we are talking of about N1tn shortfall. And when we continue to have deficit in our books, where is the lender that will be willing to lend you money? These are the critical things. Metering is a huge investment. I know of a DISCO that requires N30bn to meter all its customers. Where is the money? And talking about billing, just because you are not metered does not mean you should be using electricity free of charge. Estimated billing is a legitimate thing. They do it abroad. Whoever has no meter will be placed on estimated billing. And in the case of Nigeria, estimated billing that we use is based in the methodology given to us by our regulator.

    Power supply is generally bad in the country and Nigerians have been pointing accusing fingers at the DISCOs, saying they have performed woefully. How do you react to this?

    There is a value chain in the industry. We have the energy generation companies known as the producers because electricity is a product that comes at a cost. In Nigeria, we have the gas fired therma plants in Egbin and so on. We also have the hydro stations in Jebba, Siroro and Kainji dams. The cost of gas will determine how much the generation companies will sell to transmission companies.

    The value chain also involves the transmission company, which is owned by the government. The next chain is the distribution companies which I represent. There are 11 distribution companies in Nigeria and they are all privately owned.

    When there is no energy to sell, there is nothing the distributors can do to satisfy their customers because they are not energy manufacturers. When there is enough supply, the DISCOs will have enough to distribute because energy is not a good they can store. As it comes, it is immediately distributed.

    When they don’t have enough electricity to distribute, the DISCOs resolve to what is commonly referred to as load shedding when electricity will be rotated among communities at different times. An area may have electricity at certain hours during the day but be without light during the night while another area enjoys the light. For now, Nigeria is far from having electricity available for 24 hours.

    Is it true that DISCOs’ officials bill high brow areas higher so that they can gain what they lose in areas they don’t always visit because of poor planning and volatile nature of customers in those areas?

    That is an allegation that is unfounded, malicious and frivolous. If someone engages in electricity theft in an area, people living in the area will pay for it and not someone in another community. When you have prepaid meters and bypass the system in order to use free electricity, DISCO officials will not know because the business they have with you is selling energy to you digitally.

    However, we are battling energy theft seriously. In Edo State, nine people are in prison custody for energy theft. We will continue to do that all over the country.

    It may be true that people living in highbrow areas pay more because they have more hours of electricity. I really apologise to Nigeria for the epileptic power supply. I call on government to fix power sector in order to revive the economy. If we don’t do that now, there could be more problem in the future.

    What will you say about claims by some persons that DISCOs did not have enough funds before they ventured into the business of running the power companies?

    Then such people are saying that their own Federal Government is a stupid government. They are indicting, not the DISCOs but the Federal Government that sold the entities. How could they have sold the entities to investors if the investors had no funds? Due diligence was done; a lot of work was done also. Remember, this reform on privatisation process started as far back as 2005 and the Federal Government went all over the world in search of investors. So whoever has come to invest in Nigeria should be thanked instead of making allegations against them. This is a sector that requires a lot of investment and has been neglected by successive governments in Nigeria for more than 20 years. It is a sector where we had a 10-year period, between 1989 and 1999 with three heads of state, who never invested one penny in any power plants. Nobody is talking about that. What people now say is that since the companies were privatised in November 2013, by January 2017 there should be 24 hours’ electricity. Yes, we want it like that and wish we can have it, but the fact remains that nobody would have sold these entities to investors who had no capacity. But if you insist and think a power firm was sold to the wrong person, then look for the right action and take it.

    The Minister of Power, Works and Housing Minister, Babatunde Fashola, recently said he would not pay for darkness. Do you think Nigerians should pay when they don’t get power supply?

    Nigerians should pay for what they get. If you get two hours of power supply instead of 24 hours, please pay for the two hours so that we can use the money to buy more energy to supply you with electricity for more hours. I was not at the meeting where the minister made that comment and so I’m not going to react to it. However, he is trying his best to ensure that we have power, while ignorant people are blaming him. He is being sincere and objective because he now understands the situation and how the power business operates. Also, he has been fair and objective, more than the top civil servants who work with him.

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