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    Friday 10 March 2017

    The war in Sierra Leone affected my family terribly –Iyamide Gafar


    Mrs. Iyamide Gafar, former president of Association of National Accountants of Nigeria tells ‘NONYE BEN-NWANKWO how she rose to the peak of her career as a former accountant general of Lagos State

    Did you study accountancy by sheer providence or was it a dream course?

    I would actually say I was influenced to study it. My father was an accountant. But then, in school, I liked figures. But in my last year in primary school just before I went into secondary school, I had this teacher who had just left secondary school. She was very versatile and good and she was planning to further her studies. She was our class teacher. She was very good at Mathematics. When I got to secondary school, I found out that most of the things she taught us in Standard Five was what we learnt till when we were in Class Five! So it made it so easy for me to get along with figures. So it wasn’t really a surprise that I had to study Accountancy eventually.

    Ironically, most people are usually ‘scared’ of Mathematics but you loved it…

    Really, I would say that my teacher in Standard Five had a lot of influence on me. I wouldn’t know the impression other students had about her but I was really impressed with her then. I got to secondary school and what we were taught in Maths didn’t seem unfamiliar again because of what my teacher in Standard Five had taught us. So there was no reason for me to be ‘scared’ of maths again.

    But during your time, Engineering, Law and Medicine were the courses that most people went for while some others went into teaching, how come you didn’t follow those routes?

    I didn’t school in Nigeria. I was born and bred in Freetown. The courses you mentioned weren’t so prominent there then. When we were in our final year in secondary school, most people were planning to go to Fourah Bay College to do Arts. That university was the first in Africa. But I said I wasn’t in for Arts. The only thing I could have studied then was economics. But I wasn’t okay with that course. All my friends were going in for English, Arts and such related courses. Most of them ended up becoming teachers. But I didn’t want to be a teacher. So when they all applied and were going into the university, I said I wasn’t going. They were surprised! They asked me what I was going to do but I told them they shouldn’t be worried. Even when I told my father, he said, ‘My daughter, how do you plan to do it? I don’t think I can afford to train you in this thing you are talking about.’ But I told him not to worry and that it would happen one way or the other.

    So how did it happen?

    I applied for a scholarship which brought me to Nigeria. It was the African American Institute scholarship. I ended up studying in University of Lagos.

    For someone who was brought up in Freetown, how did you feel when the war broke out in Sierra Leone?

    My father is from Nigeria and my mother is from Sierra Leone. It was a very bad feeling when the war started. Most of my family members were still there when it happened. All my sister’s children and their families had to come to Nigeria. It was very traumatic. When people talk about war, unless you experience it, you may not know what it is like. As at that time, I had about 10 children living with me here in Lagos. My sister’s children and even my brother’s children were all with me. My sister in-law was with me. In fact, at the end of the day, my brother died from the effect of that war. It was a traumatic episode. Our houses were razed. I don’t think it is something I want to remember because it was a very terrible experience. A lot of people are still suffering from that experience.

    Granted you now live here and are accustomed to Nigeria’s way of life; do you see Freetown as home still?

    Freetown will always be home and Lagos is my home. My father is from here – the Macaulay family of Lagos. Freetown is home to my husband more. He is in love with the place because it is not like the hustle and bustle of Lagos.

    How was growing up?

    We were just three. I still have nostalgia of my growing up days. We could play with everybody, there was no barrier. It was really pleasant. It is not now that we have to tell children to be careful of who they talk to and all that.

    Can you still remember how you felt the first time you came to Lagos for studies?

    We had been coming and going as young children even though we lived in Freetown. My father’s sisters were all living here. It was just him and his brother that moved to Freetown. So it wasn’t difficult for me to acclimatise. My coming to study was just like coming home.

    Would you know why your father chose to stay in Freetown?

    Well, the whole thing started with descendants of slave trade. Their ancestors were taken to Freetown. They were librated slaves and they were taken to Freetown. From there, some of them were able to trace their roots back to Nigeria. My great grandfather used to travel from Lagos to Freetown then. Then it was just like moving from Lagos to Ibadan. He would come here and buy things to sell in Freetown and then he would bring things from Freetown to come and sell in Nigeria. My great grandfather had his wives here in Lagos and in Freetown. He had one daughter who continued to stay in Freetown. My grandfather stayed back in Nigeria but when he had his children, he sent some to his sister in Freetown. That was how my father came to be living in Freetown with two of his siblings. My mother is completely Sierra Leonean.

    Do you still keep in touch with them?

    I still keep in touch with all of them.

    You must have come from a privileged home for your family to be so educated even though you had scholarship…

    My father was so strict about education. In his time, he was already exposed to education. He was an accountant. Even his own father was educated. He was a pharmacist.

    How did you rise to become the president of ANAN?

    After I graduated from the University of Lagos, I joined the Lagos State government. I was there throughout my career. Then, we had few accountants who were working in Lagos State then. People would ask us what we were doing there, they would tell us to go to the private sector. At a point, they got tired of asking me and they left me. I never thought of going to the private sector. It was just interesting to me. I rose through the ranks and I became the accountant general of Lagos State.

    How were you able to work with your male colleagues as the boss?

    I didn’t experience any gender issue. We had all worked together from the beginning and we had seen one another as colleagues. They used to call me ‘Iya’, which is a short form of my name Iyamide. So it was easy for us to work together.

    Were you satisfied with the level you reached in your career?

    Oh yes. I retired as an accountant general. It is the highest you could go in the accounting sector. It was after we left that accountants started becoming permanent secretaries and are moved to become the head of service. The person who took over from me ended up becoming the head of service. During our time, the peak of our career was to be the accountant general.

    But it is widely believed that public servants don’t usually do anything in the office…

    Yeah, people believed so but that is not true. There was quite a lot of stuff to do to uphold the accounting sector of the government. It is just a perception and it is not correct. I concentrated mostly on governmental accounting. People don’t know what governmental accounting is all about.

    So how were your days in the government?

    It was just normal work. I would say it was tedious during the end of the year when we would have to close the books and ensure all payments were made. Generally speaking, it was just like working in any other firm. I didn’t see it as a problem.

     As much as ANAN is known but it is not as accepted as ICAN, has it caused any rivalry between the two associations?

    There was a rivalry and there is still is. It started long time before us. By the time ANAN came, ICAN had taken grounds. We found out that they concentrated more on the private sector and we decided to concentrate on the public sector. When they found out that there was something very important in the public sector, they decided to come and get into the public sector. They realised that government is the forerunner and the one that makes the economy tick; they decided to be a part of it. Things have changed positively in ANAN. I left in 2011. We cannot be stagnant.

    You look trendy for somebody who is almost 70…

    It is the grace of God. I didn’t do anything special to look this young.

    Can you tell us a bit how you met your husband?

    We met in the university. We were classmates. It was after the Christmas holidays and when school resumed, he didn’t come back. Then, lecturers were so strict with our department and we took our lectures seriously. They didn’t tolerate anybody being absent. So when he eventually came back, I asked him what happened and he said something happened to him. When I prodded further, he said he lost his grandmother. Haba! I felt just because he lost his grandmother who must have aged that he decided to stay away from school. It was later that I found out that their grandmother was their idol and the person who sent them to school. From there, we started talking and we got married.

    Did you give him tough time when he was ‘chasing’ you?

    You might as well ask him. I wouldn’t really know what to say about that. I had other suitors but he came at the right time and we got married. There is no regret. We have four kids but none took after us in terms of our professions.

    Since you retired, do you still have time to cook and attend social events?

    I love cooking and I cook all our food by myself. When there is need for partying, I party. Right now, I am into philanthropy. I have a foundation where I empower women and children. Because of my activities with ANAN in the past couple of years, I have not been able to do as much as I would have loved. We have been making donations to the deaf and dumb school which I adopted. I want to make more impact in people’s lives.

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