Those who tout penis exercise as the way to elongate a small dick claim that it is safe and natural.
They assure that stretching, expansion and contraction can lead to length increase of a mini penis.
They say the exercise can also be used to strengthen skeletal muscles that are needed for healthy erection.
In addition, proponents of penis exercise say it can give you a larger, harder and healthier penis.
Men who have small penis, understandably, worry about the size, as well as whether any female sex partner would accept them for what they are.
They are also worried about whether they’ll be able to satisfy a woman in bed!
As a result, they usually embrace any suggestion about how they can increase the size of their manhood.
One of such claims is that penis exercise will help them to elongate their mini manhood and make them realise their dream of having normal size.
However, experts are warning that performing exercises for penis would not work!
The reason is not farfetched: because the penis does not have any muscle, any kind of exercise will not increase its size.
Of course, physicians do agree that if you do some physical exercises, the blood circulation can be improved and especially such exercises which motivate the upper thighs and groin.
Squat is one of the effective exercises which everyone can perform for better performance.
Squats will not strengthen legs but it can rejuvenate cells and tissue, thus increasing the cardio vascular capacity.
The bottom line: Be satisfied with your penis. It’s the only one you’ve got!
from Punch Newspapers
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