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    Sunday 5 March 2017

    For effective implementation of constituency projects


    Eze Onyekpere

    The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 is the grundnorm and the overarching legal framework upon which all other laws and policies devolve. It states that any law inconsistent with its provisions is void to the extent of its inconsistency. Nigeria is today faced with an economic crisis which includes a fiscal crisis that relates to the management and expenditure of resources at all tiers of government. This discourse takes the peremptory position that we need adherence to the constitution, laws and policies to extricate the country from its current fiscal crisis.

    A key issue that has been problematic for our federal budgeting process is the issue of constituency projects of federal legislators. It is also about the pet projects of high ranking members of the executive. Although the money voted for this purpose is not the great portion of our capital vote, but it’s good and proper usage can go a long way in solving some existential challenges in states and communities across the federation.This is not a discourse on the propriety or otherwise of constituency projects. It is rather an examination of how we can get better value for money for every federal naira and kobo. The constitution generally gives the power of initiating appropriations to the executive whilst the legislature has the power of approval. Thus, the two arms of government must cooperate for the appropriation process to deliver in the national interest.

    Section 4 of the constitution vests federal legislative powers on the National Assembly comprising of the Senate and House of Representatives. The constitution copiously states that the National Assembly shall have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Federation or any part thereof with respect to any matter included in the Exclusive Legislative List set out in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Constitution. It further states that the power of the National Assembly to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Federation with respect to any matter included in the Exclusive Legislative List shall, save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, be to the exclusion of the Houses of Assembly of States. In addition and without prejudice to the powers conferred by Subsection (2) of this section, the National Assembly shall have power to make laws with respect to the following matters, that is to say:- (a) any matter in the Concurrent Legislative List set out in the first column of Part II of the Second Schedule to this Constitution to the extent prescribed in the second column opposite thereto; and (b) any other matter with respect to whichit is empowered to make laws in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

    It is expected that in enacting the Appropriation Bill into law, the National Assembly should be guided by the extent and delimitation of its powers in the constitution. The federal budget should therefore concentrate on federal mandates found in the respective schedules stated above. It should also be guided by commonsense and the lessons of previous appropriations, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and its results. Federal votes are not for mere atavism. They are supposed to deliver results, tangible benefits that would benefit large segments or a defined segment of our population. Thus, spending money that benefits no one or practically gives a very minimum benefit is an exercise in futility and a waste of public resources. I dare say it amounts to economic sabotage considering the paucity of resources.

    A recent study carried out by Centre for Social Justice, a Nigerian knowledge institution across the six geopolitical zones on solar street lighting and borehole solutions for the years 2012 to 2016, which were mainly funded from constituency projects vote and the pet projects of ranking executives revealed that only seven per cent of the projects were functional after federal money had been spent. Those that were partly working/broken down account for the bulk amounting to 53 per cent whilst the completely non-functional ones were the next big pie of 40 per cent. Monitors discovered that some of the solutions worked for a few months and broke down. These projects have given solar-powered lighting and water solutions a bad image which otherwise would not have been the case. In these communities, many people believe that these solutions do not and cannot work.  These are projects that ideally, and from the constitution, should be the business of local governments and states.

    The findings indicate very poor workmanship and poor oversight over the jobs by the parent Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government notably the Ministries of Water Resources and Power, Works and Housing. Where the projects were completed, there were no further votes for maintenance and back-up. Thus, a very small component of the solution, even if it is worth N10,000 that gets bad grounds the entire facility. To worsen matters, benefitting communities were not brought on board at the time of project initiation, design and execution and the projects were not even handed over to the communities after execution. Also, local and state governments were not carried along in the location, selection and design of the projects which also means that they watched as unconcerned onlookers as the projects collapsed. No body therefore owned or cared for these projects. Money was spent and communities got no service and no value accrued to anyone.

    Again, it was found that once a legislator finished his term and a new one was elected, the new one would abandon any ongoing constituency project nominated by his predecessor in favour of an entirely new one and this led to hundreds of abandoned constituency projects. It seemed no one had a full dossier of ongoing or abandoned constituency projects.

    It is therefore time for the National Assembly to review the process and substance of selecting and implementing constituency projects. One understands the need for federal legislators to bring home the dividends of democracy and show their constituents that they care especially in our environment where states and local governments are very derelict in the performance of their duties. It is recommended that constituency projects must be selected on issues and projects that can find justification under the Exclusive Legislative List or general federal legislative powers. This will ensure follow up votes for maintenance and ensuring that the projects continue to deliver value. It is wrong and I dare say unconstitutional for federal appropriation to be funding state and local government mandates. Nothing stops federal legislators from a state or zone from coming together to allocate their constituency votes to repair a major federal highway or to start a new one or any other major project that can benefit majority of the population.

    The time for selection of projects to be funded under this theme should be during the reparation of medium term sector strategies by the MDAs. This should be the time for legislators to select projects identified under high level national policies and plansas priorities. Project selection should not be left to the whims and fancy of legislators under the claim of being very close to the grassroots. The discretion to select should be theirs but it has to be guided by empirical evidence and the policy, plan and budget continuum. Finally, federal legislators should have no business with nomination of contractors or project implementation except the oversight to ensure quality and delivery by contractors or service providers in accordance with original project specification.

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