• Breaking News

    Friday 10 March 2017

    Despite sex-drenched culture, we have less sex than 20 years ago


    From the internet, to the movies, TV and every avenue of communication, the world cannot seem to have enough exposure to sex.

    Nude photographs, titillating couture, and outright sex scenes are the type of diets that this generation of youths are exposed to on a daily basis.

    Yet, contrary to what pundits might want us to believe, exposure to ‘too much sex’ does not necessarily translate into having as much sex.

    Or so experts claim.

    A new study from San Diego State University and Widener University (both in the United States) has found that adults, on average, are having sex seven times fewer annually than adults were in the early 1990s, and nine times fewer than adults in the late 1990s.

    Which means, essentially, that we’re all having quite a bit less sex than people our age were in the 90s.

    Researchers surveyed almost 27,000 people from around the U.S. to find the results, around 96% of whom identified as heterosexual. The data was collected between 1989 and 2014, and involved asking participants how often they had had sex during the last 12 months.

    People were asked to answer with a number between zero and six, with zero meaning never and six meaning more than three times per week.

    The results showed that American adults, on average, were having sex significantly less frequently in the early 2010s than adults were in the 90s.

    This decrease applied across all races, genders, and regions, and regardless of whether or not adults had children.

    The researchers also found that older adults are having sex less frequently than younger adults. For each year after the age of 25, adults had sex 1.18 fewer times on average.

    Researchers reckon that the decline in sex from the 90s to now could be down to changes in the way we conduct relationships, as we’re less likely to have long-term, steady partners.

    Those with long-term partners were shown to have more frequent sex.

    The problem also has to do with our likelihood to be living at home in adulthood, and the possibility that we’re spending more time on social media instead of with our partners.

    from Punch Newspapers http://ift.tt/2mqt84h
    via IFTTT

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